Thursday, January 22, 2009

Moms rule

In Julie Beck's message to the Relief Society, found in the November "Ensign", there is a statement which stands out to me. "..organize, teach, and inspire His daughters to prepare them for the blessings of eternal life." I wondered why we would need to be prepared to receive such indescribably wonderful blessings. Why do we need to have any prep work to be happy? I do.

We become acclimated to hardship - things not going our way and even events that cause us great sorrow or stress. Steeling ourselves against the life-curves that surely are coming diminishes our ability to truly rejoice at the beauty and simplicity of trust in the Lord. I have been the recipient of extraordinary blessings for the last 3 months as we have moved from CA and established ourselves here in AZ. Yet I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop, wondering if this is the calm before the storm, and thinking that these blessings do not come without a price. My heart does need to be prepared for happiness. In my defensiveness, I miss gratitude, humility, and faith. And I miss joy! Isn't it interesting that preparation also includes being ready to accept what God has abundantly and uniquely created for us?


Jim Proffitt said...

...and to miss the joy is to miss it all!!

Ginger said...

I think you already went through the preparation and now is the time to enjoy the rewards of obedience. Don't worry about the other shoe, it may not even be there. This is your season to grow and blossom! Quit worrying and enjoy it.