Monday, October 27, 2008


The kids and I have stood at street corners waving signs for "Yes on Prop 8" two times now. We have been with many people who we know and trust, yet the experience is somewhat distressing to me. Is it the prop that bothers me? No, it's the opposition. Envision us this afternoon - about 20 friendly, non-confrontative people are standing with "Yes on Prop 8" signs at a busy intersection. Several of our kids are playing happily, running around, and occasionally holding a sign. We are peaceful and waving and getting many honks in our favor. One particular vehicular occupant, however, yelled angrily, "you're teaching your kids to hate." The tone of his voice was anything but cordial. As they drove away he called us a most distressing name using an "M" and an "F". How chillingly ironic that he accused us of hate when his entire presentation was saturated with malignant enmity. We just waved our signs and tried to not take his attitude personally. I wondered at the perspective of a person or group who cannot see such obvious irony - they accuse us of hate and then they rage in their committment to pull us down. Equality for all is so convenient when you insist on setting the rules only for yourself.


Kricket said...

Isn't that the truth! We were sign waving today and we have several people give us the finger lol. I don't know, that stuff makes me laugh because you're right, they are hippocrits. I love the fact that keying cars and ripping up signs seems "right" to them. Oh well. I think their attitudes speak volumes as to their there ya go.

Weston Family said...

And just what, exactly, were you doing up at 1:30 this morning??? I think I need a "coat" to put on so people's less-than-polite reactions and actions don't hurt so much. You sound like you already have one. I'll follow you.