Elizabeth is working hard to make our home look most attractive and have curb appeal to home buyers. Hope it works!!
Bruce came home this weekend and we've kept him busy. Many wonderful relief society women came over on Tuesday to make my home look model perfect and we've shown it a few times since listing on Wednesday. Living in a "ready-to-show" house is different than living normally, but we're adjusting. We did have to break down and buy some banana chairs for the family room. One reliner just wasn't cutting it for movie viewing. The kids are psyched to have rocker chairs and they fold up easily when we have to show the house. We could cultivate some excellent habits from living so "cleanly".
This is your happy week! I just feel it in my bones. A few prayers wouldn't hurt,either. I found it helpful to have a reason to keep the house clean. I would do it for others, not myself.
She is really workin' hard to get that house sold isn't she? Isn't it weird how you can't keep your house looking the way you want it until you need to sell it? Hang in there and I'm glad everybody is pitching in!
Laura L
Thanks for your comments - it is easier to keep a house clean for someone else. I asked Heavenly Father to help us teach our kids to work better - He has such a sense of humor!!!
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